Happy Fathers Day Pappa G

My dad’s been through a lot lately.

The sudden passing of my uncle, his younger brother and recently my mum was in hospital with sudden appendicitis (which resulted in an emergency operation!). He’s had to be a lot of things for a lot of people… But that’s my dad. He’s always one to put everyone first and their needs above his own.

I love this photo of my dad. I took it the day before my uncles funeral when dad was to give a eulogy for the family. He’d been worrying about it and how he would get through it. I like to think while he was sitting there lost in his own thoughts that he was blocking everyone else’s needs out and just having a moment saying his own personal goodbye to uncle cliff.

He’s a rock, an inspiration to many, a role model, a shoulder to cry on but also one to tell you to get yourself together if your being silly! He’s hilarious, competitive, the easiest person in the world to be around and he’s just the glue that keeps out family together.

Love you and have a very Happy Father’s Day Pappa G!



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